Are single dads more attractive than other men?

I’ve got two women in my life right now: my daughters.

After two tumultuous years of separation, negotiation and, finally, shared parenting, I’m too busy looking after the girls – aged four and eight – half the week to think much about new adult relationships.

But I was caught off guard when I appeared on BBC 5Live's Men's Hour programme recently, talking about the practicalities of shared responsibility.

There is a lot happening currently with the new Children and Families Act with its "presumption of parental involvement" gaining Royal Assent and the implications of the forthcoming changes to the child maintenance scheme for fathers paying upkeep.

Indeed, we were having a pretty serious discussion about the importance of fathers to children's development when the presenter, Tim Samuels, threw me a curveball.

Do you think, he asked, as a single dad you attract more female interest?

After all, he went on to suggest, women may find a caring man, maintaining a strong emotional relationship with his children, to be quite, well, attractive.

This got me thinking – have I been missing a trick? After all, it worked for Hugh Grant in About a Boy.

David Atkinson with children Maya and Olivia

(Photo: Rebecca Lupton)

I've tended so far to put my two little girls first and focus on their best interests in the transition from nuclear family to two homes.

And, besides, I've hardly been beating off battalions of yummy mummies, looking for a frisson of romantic interest between the school run and the checkout at Waitrose, on a day-to-day basis.

But there are, probably, many other single parents thinking about moving on to form a new blended family, or maybe just have some shorter-term fun after a tough time.

So how do women see single dads? And what practical advice would I offer men based on my own experience?

A quick straw poll of female friends was generally positive, citing “emotional maturity” and “unselfish, having learned to put his youngsters first” as attractive attributes keenly associated with single fathers.

But there were reservations, too – particularly around commitment.

As Paul Apreda, National Manager Wales for Families Need Fathers (FNF) Both Parents Matter, warns, it’s not easy for a man to form a long-lasting new relationship and maintain a strong bond with his paternal children.

“It takes enormous tolerance and commitment from a partner in a new relationship to support a father maintaining children in another nest while partially integrating them with a new family,” he says. “But, if a man can find someone genuine, and they have been honest about their circumstances, then that’s a very special relationship and one that will last.”

For Mark Chester, founder of Who Let the Dads Out (WLTDO), a Saturday-morning toddler group for dads and their children, it's crucial for men to seek support to help them process events and move forwards.

“When things change, there’s a sense of finding your own place again. Dads need support as much as mums to do this – maybe more," he says.

The children, he explains, can feel very threatened by a new partner. After all, the image of the wicked stepmother from stories and films is firmly entrenched in all our minds from an early age. They need support, too.

“People have a lot of hope at the start of a new relationship but it can also be a challenging time," says Chester. "As with any difficult period in family life, I think it’s important for dads and kids to talk to one another, listen to one another and spend time together.”

I'm lucky. I've had support over the last two years and I've maintained the close bond with my daughters, maybe even strengthened it.

But, when it comes to dating, I’m not yet playing the field. I’m not even warming up on the touchline. I feel like I’m back in the changing room and have forgotten my kit.

Maybe I'm not quite ready to fully commit to a new partner until more dust has settled.

There may be two women in my life right now. But, in time, I'd like to think there's room for three.

Read David Atkinson’s blog or follow him on Twitter @atkinsondavid
