Introducing: Brittney Lee Saunders - CelebMix

Let us introduce you to Brittney Lee Saunders.

Who is Brittney Lee Saunders, you may ask? Well if you’d like to know, keep on reading.

Brittney is a YouTuber from the lovely land of Australia. She’s an all round kind-of YouTuber, doing a bit of everything on her channel from beauty to comedy to singing covers. I mean who wouldn’t want to watch a bit of everything? Brittney started off on YouTube in 2012 with a clothing haul, which you can see below.

Since then, Brittney has continued to upload videos to YouTube for her growing number of viewers and subscribers on her channel. She uploads videos on Sunday, Monday and one or two surprise days. Exciting right? She then went on to having her very own range of products for her viewers and subscribers, and anyone else who comes across it, called NKD Body.  You can find a range of products to help your skin and hair. Which we can totally recommend getting by the way. 

Brittney is a sweet loving woman who knows how to make people laugh, cry (in a good way though). She knows how to keep people interested in her by doing a range of videos to have something for everyone to watch. So if you’re interested in fashion, make-up, singing, or funny skit videos, then Brittney is the one you should watch.

Make sure to follow her on Twitter to catch when she has a new video coming out, . Let us know if you already know her and what you love about her if you do. Leave us comments down below, or tweet us your thoughts to @CelebMix.
