Is Johnny Depp Left-Handed?

Is Johnny Depp left handed? It’s certainly not the most exciting question, but that doesn’t mean that it hasn’t been on the mind of fans around the world—especially those who’ve taken note of which hand he uses in various films. 

Johnny Depp is not left-handed and is like roughly 80% of the world who are right-handed. The actor has been seen using his left hand in a few films, but that has purely been to fill the needs of his role. 

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A pic from the Studio, when @kirkhammett (of @metallica , obviously) brought the famous guitar, "Greeny" over for a visit… It is the '59 Les Paul, once owned and played for many, many moons, by the incredible Peter Green from early days of Fleetwood Mac!!! I was and remain, somewhat, in shock!!! An incredible experience!!! The painting on the wall is one I made of an old friend… My old dog, Mooh, who sadly passed away back when i was away on location filming, "Public Enemies". He was a very gentle boy and i still miss him greatly!!!!

A post shared by Johnny Depp (@johnnydepp) on Apr 20, 2020 at 11:06am PDT

When spotted in his personal life, like while holding his guitar on his Instagram page, you can see right away that the actor is right handed. 

When Has Johnny Depp Used His Left Hand?

Scientists have discovered that as little as 5% of the population is left handed. Some link it with brain trauma during birth, some think it’s a result of cultural or pre-natal developmental processes. Scientists have even discovered that handedness can be changed by various cultural and social mechanisms. 

In Depp’s case, he’s likely been right handed his whole life. 

However, the actor has reportedly used his left hand for the cinematic effect we all know he’s capable of. 

Fans have reported seeing his left hand being used in the writing sequence in the 1993 movie Benny & Joon. The actor, in an attempt to demonstrate the squiggly nature of children’s writing, Depp used his left hand instead of his usual right. 

Other fans have mentioned that he’s held a sword (for Pirates of the Caribbean III) in his left hand. Some mention too that he used his left hand in the movie Gilbert Grape (perhaps just to make his character look awkward). 

Right Handed

Fans have put together a video clip as evidence of his right handedness. Many claim that because he smokes with his right hand, he certainly is right handed! While there’s no documentation saying for sure that he’s right handed, most fans agree that Johnny Depp is definitely not left handed and any time he uses his left hand it’s solely for the purpose of a movie. 
