Kendall Jenner Will Do Whatever it Takes to Make it as a Model

From the outside looking it, it might seem that Kendall Jenner’s life is pretty sweet. How could it not be? She’s a television star, she’s part of the most famous family in the world, she makes a ton of money, she’s gorgeous, she’s a famous model and she’s gotten just about everything she’s ever wanted. And she’s still just a teenager. However, things aren’t always roses and sunshine for the second-youngest daughter in the Kardashian/Jenner family. Kendall is working hard to become one of the top models in the world, but it seems her name and family are working against her, and she’s going to do whatever it takes to become a famous model – even if it includes dropping her last name.

“Don’t judge someone’s attitude until you’ve felt their pain”

It seems that the gorgeous Kendall Jenner doesn’t live in a model life. She’s a gorgeous model and she’s got a good life, but she’s struggling just like the rest of the world. This quote is one she issued after being turned down by several different modeling agencies and struggling to be taken seriously as a model because of her family relations. It might not seem like something to freak out over by people who struggle to pay their mortgage or put food on the table, but that doesn’t mean it’s not her personal reality.

“People didn’t want to take a change on me, I think because I was sort of known”

It’s a probably that the 18-year-old model has been living with for years. She’s doing whatever it takes to become famous at modeling, and she’s not going to let her family name stand in her way. However, it does. When she would present her portfolio to agents and to designers, they would often ignore her and not take her seriously because of her name, and she wasn’t having any of that. It’s part of the reason the teenage model decided to drop her last name and work just as Kendall.

“Some people might think that what I’ve done before made it easier for me to get jobs, but it was actually a disadvantage”

Kendall Jenner says her last name is her biggest obstacle in her career. The truth is that most people say she’s only getting the jobs she’s gotten because of who she is. If her last name wasn’t Jenner and her older sisters weren’t people like Kim Kardashian, most people assume she wouldn’t get any work in the modeling industry. However, her tall, thin frame and her beautiful face speak for themselves. Kendall has had to overcome her family name and reputation in order to be taken seriously as a model.

“I had to work even harder”

She’s talking about when it comes to her last name and her career. Designers don’t always expect her to be good at what she does, and she has to work even harder than other models that don’t already have famous names just to get a chance. While so many people think her identity and name open more doors for her, they actually make doors even more difficult for the reality star to get into. She’s serious about modeling and doesn’t want to have to work harder than others to overcome her name. She wants people to give her a chance because she’s good at what she does.

“And if you can’t see anything beautiful in yourself, get a better mirror,”

In a quote she posted to her Facebook account, Kendall Jenner just said what most of us are thinking when we look at others. You are beautiful and you are amazing, but you don’t see it. It’s a common problem in the world, and it’s even a common problem for a model. Jenner isn’t afraid to do what it takes to become famous and become known for something other than being a Jenner/Kardashian sister, but she’s also not afraid to point out that everyone is beautiful. Just because she’s a famous model doesn’t mean she thinks she’s above anyone else.

“I used to be so shy. I used to never talk, just sit back and do my thing. I am still pretty shy but I’ve gotten much better because I’m always on set for photo shoots,”

It’s something that most people don’t consider when they think of models, but Jenner isn’t outgoing. She’s not a bold person, which seems like a bit of an oxymoron considering she’s part of the cast of one of the biggest reality shows in the world and part of the famous Kardashian family. However, the teenage model said that modeling has helped her to open up a bit and not be as shy as she was before she began working. It’s true that when you find your passion it’s simple to let go and really enjoy it. It’s helped her to mature, open up and become a bit more of a woman.

“She called me before and was like, ‘Hey, I was invited to the show, I just wanted to let you know. Do you want me to come?’ and I was like, ‘No,”

Kendall Jenner had this to say of her older sister Kim Kardashian when she’s invited to the shows in which Jenner is modeling. She works so hard to ensure that people forget she’s the sister of one of the most famous people in the world that she even bans her sister from attending her fashion shows. It’s a cruel reality, but it’s what her life is like. It’s not that she doesn’t want her family there to cheer her on, it’s that she doesn’t want the other models to think she’s been treated better than they are being treated nor does she want designers to remember who she is.

“I want to be high fashion,”

Jenner does not want to be an everyday model. She has no interest in modeling for The Gap or everyday cosmetics. She wants to the be the model that’s called to walk the runways in Milan and Paris, and to shoot ad campaigns for the most high-end designers in the world. She’s look to be Chanel, Givenchy and Dior. She’s not interested in being BCBG, and she’s not going to let her family stop her from being the kind of person she wants to be in her career.

“I want to be taken seriously,”

This is, perhaps, the biggest issue that Kendall Jenner has in her entire life. She’s finding it difficult to be taken seriously as a model or as a professional because of her family and her name. The Kardashians are wildly successful, but they’re known for being successful simply for existing. They’re not high-fashion models, designers or actors. They’re just people who happen to have made the world become obsessed with them, and therefore they became famous. They’re probably the most easily recognizable family in the world, and it’s hard for people to take Kendall seriously for wanting to have a serious career and serious aspirations.

“My name is Kendall, Kendall Jenner. I am not a Kardashian,”

It’s probably something Jenner has to say on a daily basis. When you think of the Kardashians, you think of all the siblings. And Kendall is a sibling to the Kardashians. However, she’s not a Kardashian, and she wants people to know this. Probably the most annoying thing in her life is the constant mistake people make when they try to lump her in with her sisters. She is not one of her sisters, and she doesn’t want to be one of her sisters. She wants to be Kendall Jenner, and it would help her if people would remember that’s her name and stop calling her a Kardashian.

“I’m trying my best with what I want to do, which is modeling. I think I’m on my own career path, and I don’t really care what other people have to say about me being in the spotlight of my sisters. I’m just doing my own thing,”

It’s got to be tough to be the younger sister of such famous women. Of course people think she’s riding their coattails to fame, and nothing she says is ever going to change that. Of course she probably gets some modeling jobs because of Kim and Kris and their connections in the fashion industry. However, that doesn’t mean she wants to get to where she’s going in life because of them. It’s a nice feeling to know that you accomplished something entirely on your own. It’s difficult for a teen girl to repeatedly hear that she’s only successful because she’s related to her sisters or has a specific last name.

“Modeling is my number one priority – one hundred percent,”

It’s clear that modeling is her number one priority based on the fact that she’s even gone so far as to drop her last name so that she can model without people remembering she’s the sister of a Kardashian or the daughter of Kris Jenner. It’s not an easy career to forge, but she’s going to make it happen without the help of her name or without the hindrance of her name. Kendall Jenner is not going to let anyone or anything stop her from becoming the kind of model she wants to become.

“My dream jobs would be Italian ‘Vogue’ and anything with Chanel,”

Based on her looks and her success in modeling, it’s probably fair to say that she will accomplish those dreams at some point. She has the look, and she has the talent. She’s facing serious scrutiny right now because of her name change and her relationship to her sisters and family, but that shouldn’t detract serious designers from the fact that she’s a killer model with the look that it takes to go high-end. Once the Kardashians cool off a bit and the world stops focusing on her relationship with them, she might just make it.

“The New York fashion scene is crazy madness, but I love the energy,”

It’s a smart thing to love the energy that is New York fashion considering New York is one of the fashion capitals of the world. The teen model loves the energy, the pace and the way of life in New York, and we wouldn’t be surprised if she decided to make the move from sunny California to the Big Apple at some point when she’s finished with high school simply because she’s going to want to be closer to the action and closer to the world of high fashion.

“My style icon is actually my three sisters. I love the way they dress and the way they put things together. I definitely get most of my style from them,”

She’s working so hard to put her family name behind her and leave her sisters out of her career, but she credits her love of fashion and her own style as coming from them. It’s a difficult place to be in for a teenage girl. She wants to be independent of her family and she wants to have some jobs that people hire her for because of her talent and not because of her name, yet she wouldn’t love fashion so much if it wasn’t for her older sisters. It’s a tough place for a teenage girl to feel so connected to someone, yet want them to stay as far away as possible.

“My way to de-stress is either listening to music or talking to my sister, Kourtney. She’s going to teach me how to meditate, and that should help a lot,”

Kendall Jenner might only be 18, but she’s got plenty of stress in her life. She’s more famous as a teen than most people will ever be in their entire lives. She’s got school full-time, a full-time modeling career and she’s the star of a hit reality television show that portrays her family and their day-to-day interactions with one another. She’s stressed sometimes, but she’s got a good way of handling her stress and making herself feel a lot better about life.

Photos by Getty Images
