Mad Mens Vincent Kartheiser cries like a little girl at weddings

25th Annual Artios Awards

You may not recognize Vincent Kartheiser. He’s semi-famous right now because he’s on Mad Men – he plays Pete Campbell, the smarmy, pathetic yet sympathetic, old-money WASP accounts manager. Vincent actually has more than twenty film and television credits to his name, but he rules at playing Pete Campbell. It’s like what I think about January Jones – I wouldn’t hate her character so much if January wasn’t such an amazing actress. Vincent gets my respect because I both love and loathe Pete Campbell – he elicits very strong emotions in me, so I tend to think Vincent is doing his job superbly. I’m just giving all of you my little FYI on the guy – I think he’s a great actor, and I’d like to see more of him, and I’d like to see more people show him some respect.

Anyhoodle, Vincent spoke to Us Weekly at the Artios Awards last night (these are photos from the event), and the conversation turned to all of the weddings amongst the Mad Men cast. I’m making it sound more dramatic than it actually is – two actresses from the show recently got married, Elisabeth Moss and Christina Hendricks. As it turns out, Vincent was invited to both “small” weddings. And as it also turns out, he wept like a little girl at both. It’s actually a really sweet interview:

Mad Men star Vincent Kartheiser is man enough to cry at weddings — as he did at two recent ceremonies for castmates Christina Hendricks and Elisabeth Moss.

Moss, 27, married Saturday Night Live’s Fred Armisen, 42, at The Foundry in Long Island City, New York Oct. 26.

“They got right down to the ceremony,” attendee Kartheiser told at at Monday’s Casting Society of the America’s New York 25th Annual Artios Awards. “Not a lot of hoopla and waiting around. Really simple and beautiful. Elisabeth said stuff that made me cry.” The actor kept the couple’s words to himself, but explained, “They were really just speaking to each other and the people they loved.”

Hendricks’ Oct. 12 wedding with Geoffrey Arend at Manhattan restaurant Il Buco, meanwhile, “was much smaller,” he says.

“Everyone seemed to know each other. I also cried in that wedding!”

The actor explains that he’s been close to the pair for a while. “I’ve been around for a lot of their relationship. Geoffrey was a really good friend of mine, and when he met Christina I saw his whole life change for the better. It’s an inspiring thing when two people can adapt, give to each other and help each other grow.”

For all his waterworks, Kartheiser, who attended Monday’s event with his girlfriend of one year, Shanna Collins, says he’s “not the marriage type.”

“I don’t get what it’s for,” he says. “What’s the big deal? For some people it works — I don’t know what it would do for me, I’m so confused!”

[From Us Weekly]

Aww… don’t you like him after this? Please? Give him some love! I also like what he says about whether he’ll ever get married. Typical guy. But he sounds like a sweetheart. Don’t believe me? Vanity Fair also ran an interview with Vincent last month – and he started talking about how he was a child actor, and how he always knew he wanted to act. Vincent says: “When I was a kid being an actor was not cool. I’m thirty now and when I was a kid in the 80s that wasn’t a cool thing to be. Now I see with my niece that acting is like the thing. I don’t know if it’s because of the Disney Club or whatever, but all the boys are actors and in dance and stuff and I’m like, Wow, I got beat up every day because I was in ballet and I was an actor and that was, you know, ‘gay,’ or whatever. But I always loved it as a kid and it’s something I’ve always done.” Sigh… good kid.

25th Annual Artios Awards
