The Bachelorette 2015 Recap Kaitlyn Bristowe Brings Andi Dorfmans Nick Viall On: Season 11 We

The Bachelorette 2015 Recap - Kaitlyn Bristowe Brings Andi Dorfman's Nick Viall On: Season 11 Week 4 Episode 4

The Bachelorette Kaitlyn Bristowe airs tonight on ABC with an all new June 8 season 11 week 4 episode 4. We’ve got your recap down below! On tonight’s episode Kaitlyn and the guys visit New York City where she takes eight lucky bachelors to meet rapper Doug E. Fresh and take part in a rap battle. Later, Nick Viall, from Andi Dorfman’s season, shows up and asks Kaitlyn if they can continue a relationship they began on social media. Also: Five guys audition for a role in Broadway’s “Aladdin”; and Kaitlyn and one suitor attend a black-tie affair at the Metropolitan Museum of Art.  Do you want to know who won?  We spoiled this season for you, RIGHT HERE!

On the last episode, the drama continued as a disgruntled bachelor refuses to leave – even after Kaitlyn sent him home. Her well-meaning talk with the man went awry, and after this unexpected confrontation, she decided to cut the cocktail party short and went directly to the rose ceremony. Sixteen men move on in an attempt to capture Kaitlyn’s heart. World Champion sumo wrestlers Biyamba and Yama gave six bachelors a wake-up call they wouldn’t soon forget, and one unhappy guy vocalizes his displeasure with the day’s activity. Ben Z. went on a mysterious one-on-one date with Kaitlyn. They both needed to face their fears – including scorpions and snakes — as they attempted to break out of the “Escape Room.” Six more bachelors had another kind of terror waiting them when they met the Bachelorette at an elementary school. But the fun began when the men find out that they needed to teach a class on the “birds and bees.” Meanwhile, a budding bro-mance between two inseparable bachelors might interfere with Kaitlyn’s search for love. Did you watch the last episode? If you missed it, we have a full and detailed recap right here for you.

On tonight’s episode per say the ABC synopsis “Clint may think he sweet talked Kaitlyn into giving him a rose, but after the men complain to her about his devious behavior, the Bachelorette decides to confront him. This sets off a combustible chain reaction, shocking Clint and the other bachelors – but it’s JJ’s response that makes the mansion explode. The remaining men will begin their world tour to find love – in New York City. A rap battle group date with hip-hop legend Doug E. Fresh, a bachelor Broadway competition, featuring Disney’s “Aladdin,” the Tony-winning hit Broadway musical, and a spectacular date at the Metropolitan Museum of Art gives Kaitlyn a new spring in her step. However, when Nick Viall, from Andi Dorfman’s season of “The Bachelorette,” suddenly turns up hoping to convince Kaitlyn to include him in her search for love, her world is turned upside down.”

Tonight’s episode is going to have people talking and you are not going to want to miss a minute of it. The Bachelorette airs tonight at 8PM so don’t forget to come back for our live recap!

Tonight’s episode begins now – Refresh Page often to get the most current updates!

Tonight’s episode of The Bachelorette kicks off where we left off last week – at the cocktail party. Kaitlyn Bristowe is furious because all of the other guys have told her that Clint is playing her, and he is a “total douchebag.” Kaitlyn takes Clint aside and tells him that they need to talk, Clint tells Kaitlyn that he and JJ are best friends and they are very close and the other guys are just jealous of their closeness.

Clint asks JJ to back him up – but JJ doesn’t come to his BFF’s rescue, Kaitlyn announces that she wants Clint to go home. Before Clint leaves the Bachelor Mansion he takes JJ aside and curses him out, in between the bleeps and expletives the only thing we can really make out is that Clint thinks JJ is “a piece of shit.” After Clint gets in his limo and leaves JJ heads to the interview room and sobs like a baby in front of the cameras.

After JJ and Clint’s messy break-up, JJ heads back in to the cocktail party. Jared and Ian tell JJ that he is “despicable,” and they can’t believe he threw his best friend underneath the bus. Neither of them think that JJ is there for the right reason. Chris Harrison arrives and says that it is time for the next rose ceremony, Kaitlyn decides to cancel the rose ceremony – she tells Chris that she doesn’t feel right sending anyone home tonight. Chris agrees and announces that they are going to cancel the rose ceremony, and they are heading to New York City.

Kaitlyn Bristowe’s guys arrive in New York City, and check in to the Knickerbocker hotel, right by Times Square. The first date card arrives: Jonathan, Justin, Ben Z, Corey, Ryan, Tanner, JJ, and Shawn are heading on group date. The clue on the card teases “let’s keep our love fresh.” JJ is feeling inspired, he is ready to show Kaitlyn that he means business and put the drama with Clint behind him.

The first group of guys head out on their date, they are all trying to figure out what “keeping our love fresh” could possibly mean. Kaitlyn greets them at some sort of stage that is closed to the public, she reveals that she has brought along special guest star, Doug E. Fresh. The guys are thrilled, Ryan and Jonathan begin rocking out while Doug E. plays on the stage. Shawn is kind of concerned, because he grew up in Tennessee and he doesn’t even know how to do the Doug E. dance. Kaitlyn and Doug announce that the guys are going to have to compete in a rap battle in front of a live audience. Shawn will be battling Justin, Corey vs. JJ, Ben vs. Tanner, and Jonathan Vs. Ryan. Once the battles are determined the guys have to sit down and start writing their rhymes for later, Doug E. Fresh mentors the guys and gives them some advice on how to perform.

It’s time for the rap battle, Doug E. Fresh takes the stage in front of the crowded club and introduces Kaitlyn. Ben and Tanner are up first, Ben raps about small Tanner is – but Tanner snaps back that Ben has a “small rocket.” Corey kills his battle against JJ, and makes fun of him for being Clint’s boyfriend. Shawn has an unfair advantage over the other guys because while he is rapping he pulls his shirt up and flashes his abs to Kaitlyn. JJ is booed off stage because he forgets that they are in New York City, and says that “hoes” live in NYC.

After the rap battle Kaitlyn heads backstage and sees Ashley Iaconetti, another girl that was on The Bachelor with her. She is shocked when she sees that Ashley is there with a group of friends – and brought along Bachelorette alum Nick Viall. Kaitlyn confesses that Nick tweeted her before and said that he “liked how she carried herself.” Nick takes Kaitlyn aside and says that he wouldn’t be able to live with himself if he didn’t ask to join the show and date her and try to win her over. Kaitlyn is shocked, or at least pretends to be – rumor has it that Nick and Kaitlyn have been talking and possible hooking up since February and they staged this entire awkward conversation for the cameras.

Kaitlyn tells Nick Viall that she needs to think about it, and then heads to the cocktail party with the guys from the rap battle. She confesses that she seen a guy from a previous season before they arrived and she is going to let him join the show. They demand to know who the guys is, when she admits that it is Nick Viall, they are not happy – they seen him on Andi Dorfman’s season and didn’t like what they seen. Shawn is offended, he asks Kaitlyn if the reason she is bringing another guy on to the show during Episode 4 is because they “aren’t enough for her.” Kaitlyn excuses herself and says that she will be right back, she leaves the guys on the boat and heads out on to the dock to meet up with Nick behind their backs. She tells Nic that she hasn’t made a decision yet, and he starts kissing her.

Kaitlyn tells Nick that she “needs to sleep on it.” She returns back to the boat where the guys are still talking crap about Nick Viall. Justin makes an announcement and tells Kaitlyn that if she decides to bring Nick on the show he will still respect her, and he doesn’t feel threatened by her dating Nick. Afterwards, Kaitlyn gives Justin the group date rose. Tanner is not happy – he thinks that Kaitlyn is disrespecting all of them if she brings Nick back, and he scoffs that Justin’s group date rose is probably the “least meaningful rose in the history of The Bachelorette,” because of everything that was going on. After the date the guys head back to the hotel and fill in everyone else about Nick Viall.

The next morning Kaitlyn calls Nick Viall, she explains that she has serious feelings for some of the guys on the show. Kaitlyn tells Nick that she wants to speak to him in person. She has to get her hair done for her 1-on-1 date with Jared later that night, and she wants to meet up with him afterwards. Kaitlyn hangs up and she is torn, she has no idea what to do. Kaitlyn goes to get her hair done by her former co-star crazy Ashley Salter. While Ashley is doing her hair, Kaitlyn explains to her what is going on with Nick. Ashley thinks that Nick is cute, but she might just be “in lust” and not “in love.” At the hotel Jared is getting ready for his date, but he is a little stressed about Nick possibly joining the show.

Afterwards Kaitlyn meets up with Nick at the park, she tells him that she thinks they have undeniable chemistry and she wants to explore what is going on between them – she is going to let him join the show. She explains that she doesn’t think it is a good idea for him to move in with the guys today, because some of them are going to be a little upset. Nick understands and thanks her for letting him join the show, and then they make out before she leaves to go on a date with Jared.

Later that night Jared and Kaitlyn head out on their 1-on-1 date, a romantic dinner at the Metropolitan Museum of Art. Kaitlyn greets him at the museum and he raves about how “breathtaking” she looks. She leads him to a romantic candle lit dinner. She is having a hard time concentrating on spending time with Jared though, because she is stressed out over Nick Viall. Kaitlyn feels guilty throughout the entire dinner, she asks Jared what he thinks about Nick Viall joining the show. Jared says that he doesn’t get to see her a lot, and he really wants to spend their time just talking about them, not about her and Nick. He tells her that no matter what happens, it isn’t going to change the way that he feels about her, and she should do whatever she thinks she should do.

Back at the hotel, the guys are all still arguing over Nick Viall. Ben snaps and says that he is sick of talking about Nick, there is no reason that they should feel threatened. There is a knock at the door and the next date card arrives. Ian, Chris, Joe, Joshua, and Ben H. are invited on the next group date. The card teases, “Let’s play.” Joshua says that tomorrow night is all about them, and “to hell with the new guy.”

Meanwhile back on their date Jared reveals that he wrote a poem for Kaitlyn, he reads it out loud for her. Kaitlyn is moved and squeals that it was the cutest thing ever, then she leans in and kisses him and gives him the date rose. She tells him that she is very excited about their relationship, and where things are going between them. Afterwards, they head out on a helicopter tour of New York City.

Kaitlyn heads to the hotel the next day to talk to all of the guys abut Nick Viall. She tells them that he is going to be moving in that night, but she isn’t going to go on a date with him while they are in New York City. She reassures them that it doesn’t change any of the relationships she has with either of them. The guys are silent and they obviously aren’t happy.

Despite all of the drama, Kaitlyn and the next five guys head out on their group date. Kaitlyn reveals that they are going to a play, they arrive at the Broadway New Amsterdam theater. Two actors are on stage, they perform a scene from the musical Aladdin. The guys learn that they are going to all audition for Aladdin, they will have to sing, dance, and act on stage. Whoever they think has the best Broadway skills will get to perform on stage that night with Kaitlyn in front of 1800 people. The guys get crashcourses in Broadway musical before their auditions.

The guys learn that whichever one of them doesn’t make the cut will have to go home later, and there won’t be a cocktail party afterwards. Ian is sure that he has the competition in the bag because he can actually sing. The guys are impressed with Ian’s voice, but the judges think that he may have been over-doing it. It’s finally time to learn which one of the guys get to perform in Aladdin with Kaitlyn – the judges announce that the winner is Chris. The rest of the guys have to go home early, Chris is thrilled though – he is a huge fan of Aladdin.

Later that night, Chris and Kaitlyn head to their dressing rooms and get ready for their Broadway debut in Aladdin. Kaitlyn and Chris are nervous, but they head out on the stage, as extras and do a total of 3 minutes worth of lines.

At the hotel room the guys are all on edge, they know Nick Viall is going to arrive at any moment to move in with them. Nick is prepared for all of the guys to hate him, but he thinks that it will all be worth it so that he gets a chance to get to know Kaitlyn. He arrives at the hotel and heads upstairs to the room and walks in…

To Be Continued next week…

