What is the build limit in Minecraft? (2023)

Minecraft worlds provide ample space for players to test their creativity, but there are certain limits to how much they can build. These limitations are referred to as build limits, and they include both horizontal and vertical boundaries in a given world.

However, it can be challenging to determine exactly where these build limits lie in Minecraft. In fact, the answer is somewhat vague as the restrictions imposed on worlds are done so in a tiered arrangement, especially in terms of horizontal boundaries.

Furthermore, Java and Bedrock Editions of the game have slightly different established boundaries for building and player movement that some Minecraft players may not know well.

Examining the build limits in Minecraft's Java and Bedrock Editions

The world border is one aspect of the build limit in Minecraft (Image via u/sonofshaq/Reddit)

Defining the build limit in Minecraft can be a bit tricky, as it ultimately depends on what a player means by "limit." Datapacks and commands can be used to expand on the game's existing borders, giving players more room to build, but if we exclude these modifications, the hard build limit of the game becomes clearer.

Build limit facts for Java Edition

  • The initial boundary that prevents players from moving or building is the world border. In Java Edition, this border can be located at X/Z ±29,999,984 by default. However, since players can alter the position and size of the border and also use certain tricks to surpass it, some may not consider this the horizontal build limit.
  • At X/Z: ±30,000,000, an invisible wall is projected that prevents players from moving beyond it, even with the tactic used to overcome the world border. It is hard-coded in Minecraft's source code, and therefore can't be teleported past using commands. Though it's technically possible to use a minecart to go further to approximately X/Z: ±30,000,256, the player will be teleported by force. Therefore, X/Z ±30,000,000 tends to be considered the horizontal build limit for Java Edition.
  • The established height limit as of Minecraft 1.19 is between Y= 320 and Y= -64. Players can technically use tricks to surpass Y= 320, but Mojang intended this height level to be the limit of where players can build by default. Therefore, Y= 320 and Y= -64 are considered the vertical build limits.

Build limit facts for Bedrock Edition

  • Bedrock Edition, unlike Java, has no hard-coded limits for building. However, barriers and boundaries do exist to avoid game-impacting problems (like crashes or performance issues). For example, X/Z ±30,000,000 in Bedrock Edition keeps players from placing blocks and instead displays an error message. For this reason, it's often considered the horizontal limit for Bedrock by default.
  • As far as a height limit goes, players can reach Y ±30,000,000 under their own power but cannot use teleportation to push themselves beyond this border. While it's technically possible to edit Minecraft's code and change the border's coordinates and size, this original limit is imposed in vanilla Bedrock Edition by default and is associated with the vertical build limit.

The ingenuity of the game's community is astonishing at times, and it isn't uncommon to see players surpass the game's imposed barriers with the right coding and modding experience. However, the horizontal and vertical limits imposed in the vanilla build of the game are considered the build limit by default until players alter them in some way.

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